The larger platforms of the selection above can employ and house more than a hundred workers. As the platforms are expected to run 24/7 the workers have to endure long 12 hour days for up two weeks at a time. The full time job that is carried out by the teams is extremely dangerous as standard and to top it off; they have to handle the stormy, windy conditions that can present themselves at sea! I know I wouldn’t want to be the one responsible for the risk assessments..
This may sound pretty tough but they are very well looked after. The companies that run these facilities ensure that the workers are as comfortable as possible and include for gyms, TV’s, recreational facilities, hotel standard accommodation and quite a comfortable wage slip at the end of the month! Still, I don’t think I’d be very good at living at sea, the thought of it is already sending me a little green at the gills!
Blog Post Written By Lucy Jones at Lion Containers (Offshore) Ltd.